
Predicting your future

Today's LOCAL

Shen Po
10-year experience of Astronology
 5-year experience of Tarot 
 Private psychic of many superstars

What's Tarot?

  Tarot card reading is one of the oldest forms of fortune telling known to man. It consists of a deck of 78 cards that is used by someone who is skilled at reading them. Usually the person reading the card will shuffle the deck while concentrating on you or the question you want answered. The tarot reader will then flip the cards and show you what they could possibly mean. Cards from “major arcana” a type of tarot deck, will consist of cards like The Fool that may have a specific meaning to your future and the tarot reader will explain. There is another deck called “minor arcana” that will have cards like Ten of Cups that are more broad. However, to this day, no one has really been able to explain why the cards are able to predict the future or whether it is true or not.

What can our Local do?

  It's our destiny to meet with Tarot. When you feel very frusterated or confused about work or your relationships, it's time to ask Tarot for help. It will guide you positively to the future. Three to six months later, everything will be clear. 
  Our local is the perfect person for you! She has over 5 years of tarot card reading. Not only will you be able to learn about yourself, she will help you solve your problems and relieve your stress. 

  1. Astrolabe can be done online, one has to make a reservation beforehand.  If you book through Citymaster the special rate is 700RMB and you must pay 300 RMB up front. 

  2. For other individual questions, we recommend meeting face-to-face to be able to pick your own card for your future.

  3. The Local will be very happy if you can be her language partner, and you can help her improve language skills. 

You can either book through Citymaster's WeChat account or through our App.

